Extradition And Probation Violation


Extradition laws vary by state, and probation violations in Georgia can lead to severe penalties. In Chattanooga, TN, you can seek free legal aid from Legal Aid of East Tennessee, Chattanooga Community Law Office, or the Pro Bono Project of Legal Aid of East Tennessee. These organizations provide assistance to eligible clients.

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My husband is being held in tn as a fugitive for ga probation violation for positive drug screen
Hello ****, sorry to hear about your situation. Are you looking for information on extradition laws between Tennessee and Georgia, or how to deal with a probation violation in Georgia?
Extradition laws and dealing with probation violations can be complex. Here are some general points:
- Each state has different laws regarding extradition.
- Probation violations in Georgia can lead to penalties, including jail time.
Could you provide me with more specific details so I can provide more targeted information?
His GA PO said he has to see the TN Judge before being extradited his charge in tn is fugitive
Hello ****, based on your situation, here are some points to consider:
- The TN Judge may want to confirm your husband's identity and the validity of the GA warrant.
- The GA PO might want to extradite him to face the probation violation charges.
This process is complex and might require legal assistance.
How can i get a free attorney
Hello ****, getting a free attorney can depend on the specific circumstances and location. Here are some general steps:
*. Apply for a Public Defender: If you cannot afford a private attorney, you might be eligible for a Public Defender.
*. Legal Aid Societies: They often provide free legal services to those who qualify.
*. Pro Bono Programs: These are usually offered by law firms or bar associations.
Could you specify your location so I can provide more specific resources?
Chattanooga Tn
Hello ****, in Chattanooga, TN, you have several options for free legal aid:
*. Legal Aid of East Tennessee: Provides free civil legal assistance to eligible clients.
*. Chattanooga Community Law Office: Offers assistance from Public Defenders.
*. Pro Bono Project of Legal Aid of East Tennessee: Matches qualified clients with volunteer attorneys.
Remember to check their eligibility requirements.
You're welcome, ****! Don't hesitate to reach out if you have more questions. Remember to stay strong and make sure you understand your legal rights and options. Good luck!