Warrant Resolution Options


If you have a warrant for leaving rehab early, contact the Floyd County Courthouse to explain your situation. Consult a local attorney for guidance and gather evidence to support your claim of being kicked out rather than leaving voluntarily. Seek professional legal advice for your specific situation.

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I was sentenced to rehab for six months in Floyd county in February I went up until they kicked me out July 5th I was there for five months and now I have a warrant out on me but I’m doing better but I have a wife and a newborn son and my son is very sick and requires both me and my wife’s constant care I need to know what my options are and what I should do about this once again I didn’t leave I was kicked out for something they didn’t have proof of me doing
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, ****. Can you please clarify what the warrant is for?
Leaving the rehab before my six months was up but I didn’t leave they kicked me out and didn’t even let me take my clothes with me and they kicked me out for hear-say with no proof I even broke the rules
I understand your concern, ****. To better assist you, could you please provide me with the name of the rehab facility where you were staying?
Frontier Behavioral Health the address is * US Hwy *, Staffordsville, KY
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, ****. Can you please provide me with the name of the court where the warrant was issued?
Floyd County Courthouse in Prestonsburg, KY
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, ****. Based on the information you provided, here are some general options you may consider:

- Contact the Floyd County Courthouse in Prestonsburg, KY to inquire about the warrant and explain your situation.
- Consult with a local attorney who can provide guidance on how to address the warrant and any potential legal options.
- Gather any evidence or documentation that supports your claim of being kicked out of the rehab facility rather than leaving voluntarily.

Please note that I am not a lawyer, and it's important to seek professional legal advice for your specific situation.