Wrongful Gun Possession Charge


In Oklahoma, felons are prohibited from possessing firearms. However, if your friend was unaware of the guns presence, this could serve as a defense. Its advisable to consult with a local attorney to explore legal options and ensure proper representation.

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Friend is a felony got charged with a possession of gun that wasn’t his and had no idea about. He was only at my home to babysit and I always leave my belonging under mattress. Police were called due to arguments and they searched my mattress and pinned it on him
Hello Sherlena, I'm sorry to hear about your friend's situation. To provide accurate information, could you please tell me where this incident occurred? Laws related to possession of firearms by a felon may vary by location.
Also the police report was re word
Sherlena, I understand your concern. In order to provide the most accurate legal information, could you please share the state or region where the incident took place?
At my home
I understand, Sherlena, but could you please specify the state or region your home is located in? This will help me provide accurate legal information.
Oklahoma City
Hello Sherlena, thank you for providing the location. In Oklahoma:
- The law prohibits possession of a firearm after a felony conviction.
- However, if your friend didn't know about the gun, this could be a valid defense.
It's recommended to consult with a local attorney.