Incorrect Family Violence Charge


In Texas, family violence charges typically apply to household members or dating partners. If the victim doesnt fit these categories, you might file a motion to dismiss based on incorrect classification. Consult a local attorney to ensure proper procedure and argument presentation. Dismissal isnt guaranteed, so legal expertise is crucial.

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In Texas, family violence can be charged if the victim is a household member or a dating partner. Based on the information you provided, if they didn't date or live together, it seems unusual. You might want to consult with a local attorney for clarification.
Not a household member
It's a bit unusual indeed. In Texas, the definition of family includes members of the same household. If the victim isn't a household member or a dating partner, you may need to consult with an attorney for guidance.
Can I file File a motion to dismiss the charge based on incorrect classification.
Yes, theoretically, you could file a motion to dismiss based on incorrect classification. However, it's crucial to:
- Consult with a local attorney first.
- Properly present your argument in the motion.
- Understand that dismissal isn't guaranteed.
Remember, this is a complex procedure requiring legal expertise.