Theft 4th Degree Penalties


Theft in the 4th degree in Iowa is a serious misdemeanor with penalties including up to one year in jail and fines between $315 and $1,875 per count. A clean record may help reduce penalties, but multiple charges are still serious. Legal representation is crucial for navigating the system and potentially reducing penalties.

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my daughter has * counts of theft 4th degree in iowa what is she looking at for punishment
In Iowa, Theft in the 4th degree is considered a serious misdemeanor. The potential penalties for each count are:
- Up to one year in jail
- Fine between $* and $*,*
Please note, the actual sentence may vary depending on other factors such as prior criminal record. It's advised to consult with a defense attorney.
no priors just this all at one time
Since your daughter has no prior convictions, this could potentially work in her favor. However, multiple charges at once are still serious. It's crucial to get legal representation to navigate the system and possibly reduce penalties.
ok ty
You're welcome, Angie. If you need any more information or assistance, feel free to ask. Best of luck with your daughter's situation.