Gel Blaster Legal Charges


Being charged with possession of a weapon for unlawful purposes and aggravated assault in New Jersey can be serious. As a passenger, you may argue lack of intent by showing no knowledge of the weapons, proving no participation in the assault, and providing evidence of your unawareness at the time. Legal representation is advisable to navigate your case effectively. Consult with a defense attorney for professional advice.

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I’m being charged with 2C:*-4A and 2C:*-1B with the use of gel blasters, it is my first offense and I’m only *
Hello Dylan, your situation seems to involve New Jersey law.
- 2C:*-4A refers to Possession of a Weapon for Unlawful Purposes
- 2C:*-1B is Aggravated Assault
Could you please tell me more about the circumstances of the charges?
Basically it was from a vehicle in which I was not driving, I was in the back right seat on my phone and two others shot gel ball guns out the window at a pedestrian.
Hello Dylan, based on your situation:
- Being a passenger in a vehicle doesn't exempt you from liability.
- Depending on specifics, you could potentially argue lack of intent or knowledge.
- Legal representation is advisable to help navigate your case.
Please consult with a defense attorney in New Jersey.
How would I argue lack of intent
To argue lack of intent, you could:
- Show you had no knowledge of the weapons
- Prove you had no participation in the assault
- Provide evidence of your unawareness at the time
Remember, consult with a defense attorney for professional advice.