Simple Assault Legal Consequences


Simple assault in Pennsylvania is a second-degree misdemeanor. Harassment, disorderly conduct, and public drunkenness are summary offenses. Self-defense laws may apply if you felt immediate danger. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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Simple assault, harassment subject others to physical contact,disorderly conduct engage in fighting, public drunkeness
Hello ****, can you please specify where you are located? The laws vary depending on the jurisdiction.
Hello ****, in Pennsylvania,
- Simple assault is a second-degree misdemeanor (* Pa.C.S. § *(a)(*)).
- Harassment is a summary offense (* Pa.C.S. § *(a)(*)).
- Disorderly conduct is a summary offense or a third-degree misdemeanor (* Pa.C.S. § *(a)).
- Public drunkenness is a summary offense (* Pa.C.S. § *).
Can you provide more details about your situation?
I was drunk and being held against my will and wanted to leave
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, ****. Being held against your will can be classified as false imprisonment. In Pennsylvania, it's a second-degree misdemeanor (* Pa.C.S. § *). Could you tell us more about this incident?
I was being berated and held against my will and being drunk and scared i bit the person and could not go outside of the house
I'm sorry to hear about your experience, ****. In Pennsylvania, self-defense laws apply if you felt immediate danger. However, these situations can be complex. I recommend consulting with a local attorney to understand your options and rights.