Police Coercion And Charges


Police in Pennsylvania can ask for cooperation in investigations but cannot compel you without a court order. You cannot be charged for not assisting unless ordered by a court. The decision to charge for driving under suspension is at the officers discretion. If you feel harassed or treated unfairly, consider consulting an attorney or public defender.

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In Pennsylvania:
- Police may ask for your cooperation in a case.
- They cannot compel you to assist without a court order.
- If you feel harassed, report to the police department's internal affairs division.
Consider speaking with a local attorney for further advice.
This happened on the 14th of this month if I can't help them can they still charge if you don't know it's cool I just don't know who to call here they all want $ I don't have
Are you asking if you can be charged for not assisting in the investigation?
In Pennsylvania:
- You can't be charged for not assisting in a police investigation unless a court orders it.
- Consult with a public defender if you cannot afford an attorney.
No for the driving under suspension they said if I help they won't charge me n I said I can't but he turned his mic off n said a bunch of stuff bout cocaine n other drugs n that vice would contact me it was weird
In Pennsylvania:
- The decision to charge for driving under suspension rests with the officer.
- They may or may not follow through based on their discretion.
- If you feel this was unfair, consult an attorney or public defender.
Ok ty have a good day
You're welcome! If you have any more questions in the future, don't hesitate to reach out. Have a great day!