Car Impounded For Trespassing


Dumpster diving in Pennsylvania is not explicitly illegal but may be considered trespassing. If your car was impounded, contact local authorities, consult an attorney, and reach out to the magistrate court. This information is not legal advice.

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I had my car impounded on friday for taking stuff out of a dumpster i been calling leaving messages and emails to get my truck out of impoung but never get a call back. I also called the com center they said they would give him the messages and still nothing. I did not know it was illegal to take out of a dumpster but im trying to start my own business and thats my only truck and all my tools are in it and work papers i am also behind on my rent so im doing work for landlord to try and catch up if i cant get my truck then im going to lose my business already and my only place to live
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, ****. Can you please share your location? The laws about dumpster diving and vehicle impounding vary by location.
Lock haven pa *
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, ****. In Pennsylvania, dumpster diving is not explicitly illegal, however, it might be considered trespassing. Here are some steps you can take:
- Reach out to the local police department.
- Consult with a local attorney.
- Contact your local magistrate court.
Remember, this information is not legal advice.