Domestic Violence Case Resolution


If you and your ex-boyfriend reach an agreement, he can withdraw the Domestic Violence Protection Order petition and decline to press further charges for the Class I Misdemeanor. However, the prosecutor has the final say on whether the charges will be dropped. Consult a local attorney for advice specific to your case.

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I reside in North Carolina and was recently served a summons for my ex-boyfriend who is filing a "Domestic Violence Protection Order" and suing me for a Class I Misdemeanor for keying his car. He wants to talk and reach an agreement. What happens if we were to come to a compromise and did not want to deal with the courts?
If you and your ex-boyfriend reach an agreement, you both can decide to drop the charges. However, in North Carolina:
- He would have to withdraw the Domestic Violence Protection Order petition
- He can decline to press further charges for the Class I Misdemeanor
- Coming to an agreement outside court doesn't guarantee the charges will be dropped. It's the prosecutor's decision.
Remember, I'm providing general information. For advice specific to your case, consult a local attorney.