Failed Probation Drug Test


Failing a drug test while on probation in New Mexico can result in extended probation, mandatory drug counseling, or jail time. The judges decision will be crucial. Consulting a local attorney for specific advice is recommended.

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I'm on compliance probation in San Juan county New Mexico. I was supposed to be getting off compleice probation but I fail a drug test. I was dirty only on the last drug test.i finished all the other court ordered steps. Now they want to put me in jail.
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, Dalton. In New Mexico, failing a drug test while on probation could lead to:
*. An extension of your probation.
*. Mandatory drug counseling.
*. Jail time.
This depends on the judge's decision. It might be best to consult with a legal professional in your area who can provide more specific advice.