Police Harassment Legal Options


Your grandson may have grounds for a civil lawsuit due to police harassment causing mental distress. Police misconduct, especially targeting without cause, can be actionable. Consult a local attorney specializing in civil rights to explore your legal options.

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Hello Jane, nice to meet you. How can I assist you with your legal concerns today?
I am searching to see if i have a civil law suit my grandson whom i have raiesd is * he has been harrased by a local police officer so much this month it caused him to have a mental break down the officer woyld pull him out of a group of boys of * walking downtown to play ball at the park or hang out at a friends or any normal thing teen boys do he would harass him about having a body full of drugs even though he doesnt have a drug record continually till he broke down
Hello Jane, I'm sorry to hear about your grandson's situation. It might be a case of harassment or police misconduct. Could you please share your location so I can provide more specific information?