Motion To Suppress Evidence


In Virginia, a motion to suppress evidence can be filed if the search warrant was improperly issued or executed. Questioning an informants credibility may involve presenting inconsistencies in their statements, evidence of a motive to lie, or previous dishonesty. Both prosecution and defense attorneys, as well as the judge, can question the informant. The presence of a jury depends on the specific case and jurisdiction. Consult your attorney for detailed guidance.

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I'm in Virginia and my question is about filing a motion to suppress evidence on a search warrant and can you question an informant who questions the informant what evidence is needed
Hello Barbara,
- In Virginia, a motion to suppress evidence can be filed if you believe the search warrant was improperly issued or executed.
- You can question an informant's credibility during a hearing.
- Evidence can include inconsistencies in the informant's statements or evidence that the informant has a motive to lie.
Remember to consult with your attorney.
If you're trying to bring it to question their credibility what kind of evidence is needed
Questioning an informant's credibility in Virginia may require:
- Inconsistencies or contradictions in their testimony or statements.
- Evidence of a motive to lie or misrepresent facts.
- Previous instances of dishonesty or perjury.
- Bias or prejudice against the defendant.
Remember to discuss this with your attorney.
And does prosecution and defense attorneys question the informant does the judge question the informant is there a jury
In a trial setting:
- Both prosecution and defense attorneys can question the informant.
- The judge can also question the informant if needed.
- Whether there's a jury depends on the specific case and jurisdiction.

Please consult your attorney for detailed information.