Self Defense Legal Guidance
Californias Castle Doctrine allows individuals to use force to protect themselves in their home. If a felon unlawfully enters and threatens harm, self-defense may be justified. Consult a criminal defense attorney to navigate the legal process. Before sharing evidence like a video recording with the police, seek legal advice to ensure your rights are protected.Full Conversation
Steve baker
Hi Steve, how can I assist you today? Could you please provide more details about the legal issue you're facing?
A multiple felon I know was bailed out of jail on multiple gun charges came to my home we didn’t answer the door he broke into my house kicked in my bedroom door aggressively yelling serious threats to physical hurt my family and he turned to my brother told him more criminal threats to hurt him my brother was scared and felt he needed to protect himself and my family so he shot the trespasser and killled him there is another witness that video recorded the incident this happened in California is my brother going to get charged with murder and what should I do
Steve, California has strong self-defense laws, including the "Castle Doctrine," which allows individuals to use force to protect themselves in their home. Key points:
- The felon unlawfully entered your home.
- Your brother reasonably feared for his life and yours.
Consult a criminal defense attorney immediately to guide your brother through the legal process.
Is there anything specific you need help with?
Should I give the cops the video
The police are asking to see the recording that the witness has should we show it to the cops or wait for an attorney