Probation Violation Defense Tips


Probation violation in Illinois can lead to jail time. Possession of a stolen vehicle is a Class 2 felony. Evidence like a bill of sale, title, and registration can help. Seek legal counsel immediately, and consider public defenders or legal aid services if you cant afford a lawyer. Reach out to local bar associations for pro-bono assistance.

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my father is currently on state probation and he went to jail last week for possession of a stolen vehicle but he wasn't in the vehicle or around it when he was arrested they came to the house he was staying at and surrounded it and held him at gunpoint and arrested him for it and they said that they had proof that he was the one that drove the vehicle the night before apparently there was a video which they failed to show any proof or evidence to him of the video
Hi Dakota, I'm sorry to hear about your father's situation. In which state did this happen? Knowing the location can help me provide more specific legal information.
I'm sorry for your father's predicament. In Illinois:
*. Probation violation can lead to jail time.
*. Possession of a stolen vehicle is a Class * felony.
*. The prosecution must provide evidence to support their claims.
He should hire a skilled defense attorney.
and also let me put it out there that he was not the one that was in the vehicle the night before and he had no clue the vehicle was even stolen which it was a friend that they bought from Facebook marketplace and which we have the title and the registration and the bill of sale for
If he can prove his innocence, that's beneficial. In Illinois:
*. The bill of sale, title, and registration can serve as evidence.
*. His attorney should request the prosecution's evidence.
*. It's important to share all details with his attorney.
nobody is helping him on his case as of right now I don't even think he has a court date for it but his probation is revoking him for catching the new charge and he's going to go back to prison how do we avoid him going back to do time over a charge that he should have never been charged with
I'm very sorry to hear that. In Illinois:
*. Probation violation is a serious issue.
*. Seek legal counsel immediately.
*. Legal aid services may be available.
Has he considered contacting a public defender's office yet?
we can't seem to get any type of help from the state or the probation office or the officers
I'm sorry to hear about your struggle. In Illinois:
*. A public defender should be assigned if he can't afford a lawyer.
*. Reach out to local bar associations for pro-bono assistance.
*. Non-profits like Illinois Legal Aid might provide assistance.
Keep persisting for your father's rights.
okay thank you
You're welcome, Dakota. I understand this is a difficult time. Don't lose hope, continue seeking legal assistance, and stay strong for your father. If you need more guidance, don't hesitate to ask.