False Rape Accusation Defense

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Indianapolis indiana his mother and baby mother are plotting to say he raped his baby’s mother so he won’t get to see her. The baby’s mother actually raped him becuase he was an inmate and she was a prison employee
This is a serious situation. In Indiana:
- It is illegal for a prison employee to engage in sexual activity with an inmate.
- False accusations of rape can be considered defamation.
The person should consult with a lawyer immediately for legal advice.
How do I contact a laywer
It's easy to find a lawyer in Indianapolis. You can search online for "criminal defense lawyer Indianapolis" or use a legal referral service. Remember to check their reviews and credentials before making a decision.
What if I don’t have any money
If finances are an issue, consider seeking assistance from a legal aid organization. Indiana Legal Services in Indianapolis might be able to provide help. You can also look into pro bono lawyers who offer services for free.