Inform Lawyer About Lies


Informing your lawyer about any false statements made to the police is crucial for your defense. In Illinois, if you consented to a search, it is generally legal. Possession of ammunition or firearms can lead to charges depending on your criminal history and whether you have a valid FOID card. Constructive possession means you can be charged even if the firearm was not physically on you but found in a location you control. Victims may be required to testify in court, and subpoenas can compel their appearance. Always consult your attorney for personalized advice.

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Yes I wanted to know can I let my lawyer know I lied to the police just to get out of the station
Hi Jayshawn!
Yes, you should inform your lawyer about any false statements you made to the police. Your lawyer needs all the accurate information to provide you with the best defense.
Which state or country are you located in? This can help me provide more specific information.
Ok and what if the police found ammo in my car and I allowed them to search can they possess it
Jayshawn, knowing your location would help provide more specific legal information. Generally:
- If you allowed the police to search your car, the search is typically considered legal.
- Possession of ammunition depends on local laws and your criminal history.
Which state are you in?
Jayshawn, in Illinois:
- If you consented to the search, it is generally considered legal.
- Possession of ammunition can lead to charges depending on your prior criminal record and whether you have a valid FOID (Firearm Owner's Identification) card.

Cook County Circuit Court

Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * W Washington St, Chicago, IL *

Do you have a FOID card, or have you been previously convicted of a felony?
Can I be charged with a gun if it wasn’t in my possession
Jayshawn, in Illinois:
- You can still be charged with firearm possession if the gun was found in a location over which you had control (e.g., your car or home).
- Proving actual possession is not always necessary; constructive possession can be enough.
Do you have any prior convictions or were you in a restricted area?
It was found in my auntie house
Jayshawn, here are some key points regarding your situation in Illinois:
- If a firearm was found in your aunt's house, you could still be charged with constructive possession if you had access or control over the area where it was found.
- Constructive possession means you didn't need to physically have the firearm on you.
~Cook County Circuit Court
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * W Washington St, Chicago, IL *

Do you live at your aunt's house or frequently visit there?
Does the victim who called the police have to come to court
Jayshawn, whether a victim must come to court generally depends on the case specifics and the prosecutor's decision. In Illinois:
- Victims are often required to testify if their testimony is crucial to the case.
- Subpoenas can be issued to compel a victim's appearance in court.
Do you know if the victim received a subpoena or was specifically asked to testify?
Can I say I lied on my co-defendant just to get out of the station
Jayshawn, here are some important points to consider:
- Informing your lawyer about lying to the police is crucial as it can impact your defense.
- Statements made to police can affect the case. Changing your statement may have legal consequences.
~Cook County Circuit Court
Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * W Washington St, Chicago, IL *

Has your lawyer advised you on how this might impact your case?