Parole Violation Extradition Process


WV can refuse to extradite if deemed appropriate, but states generally cooperate. WV can revoke parole for violations, including new charges. Consult a local attorney for specifics.

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If a person is on parole in WV and gets charges placed on him in VA as a fugitive if justice,...can WV refuse tmo extradite him back to va? And can WV legally revoke his parole?
Hello April,
*. WV can refuse to extradite if they deem it appropriate, but generally, states cooperate.
*. WV can revoke parole for violations, including new charges.
Remember, this is general information, you should consult a local attorney for specifics.
Is there any hope
Yes, there's always hope, April. Every case is unique, and outcomes can depend on various factors. It's essential that the person involved gets a good defense attorney who understands the extradition process and parole violation laws.
Thank you
You're welcome, April. If you have any other questions or need further clarification on any legal matter, don't hesitate to ask. Remember, a good defense attorney is crucial in such situations.
Any referrals
To provide a referral, could you please let me know where you are located?