Trespass Notice Legal Challenge


In Minnesota, a trespass notice can be given orally or in writing, and the absence of conspicuous signs might help your case but doesnt automatically invalidate the notice. To challenge it, gather evidence such as photos showing no signs and consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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I got a tresspass notice at a mall I frequently go to but as I looked at my states tress passing law it said there needed to be a sign warning about tresspass and I did not see one there. The saw says it must be conspicuous so could I get my notice taken away or have something else happen
Hello ****, to provide you with the most accurate information, could you please tell me which state you're located in? Trespass laws vary by state.
Hello ****, under Minnesota law:
- A trespass notice can be given orally or in writing by the owner or someone in control of the premises.
- A sign isn't always necessary for trespassing, but if there's one, it should be noticeable.
You might consider consulting with a local attorney for personalized advice.
The law states that there must be a sign
Hello ****, in Minnesota:
- The law states that trespassing is prohibited on land where signs are posted.
- However, a trespass notice can also be given orally or in writing.
- The absence of a sign doesn't necessarily invalidate the notice.
Please consult a local attorney for further advice.
How could I get rid of it
To challenge a trespass notice in Minnesota, you might:
- Consult a local attorney.
- Gather evidence, e.g. photos showing no conspicuous signs.
- Prepare to present your case in court.
Remember, this isn't legal advice. Always consult an attorney for personalized advice.
If a building showed no conspicuous signs could I be able to have the notice dropped
Hello ****, in Minnesota:
- The absence of conspicuous signs might help your case.
- But, it doesn't automatically mean the notice will be dropped.
- You'd need to present your evidence in court.
Please consult a local attorney for personalized advice.