Felon Self Defense Georgia


In Georgia, self-defense and defense of others can be legal defenses. However, felons are generally prohibited from possessing firearms. The Stand Your Ground law allows self-defense without the duty to retreat, and Georgia law permits the defense of others. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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A convicted felon uses a gun to shoot and defend his mother from a man that was aggressive and kicked her in her vagina. Taking into account his sister and niece were both murdered by violent men (ptsd). What should we do? Can this be looked at as defense
Hello ****,
This is a serious situation. In most jurisdictions, self-defense or defense of others may be used as a legal defense. However, laws might be different based on your location. Could you please tell me where you are located?
Covington, Georgia
In Georgia, two potential defenses are self-defense and defense of others. However, felons are typically prohibited from possessing firearms. Here are some key points about Georgia law:
*. The Stand Your Ground law allows self-defense without the duty to retreat.
*. Georgia law allows the defense of others.
*. Felons are generally prohibited from possessing firearms.
Consider contacting a local attorney for advice.