Unlawful Drug Arrest Concerns


If drugs are found during a traffic stop, they should be shown to you at that time. Lack of documentation can be challenged in court. Consult a lawyer for specific advice.

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I was pulled over let go w warning later officers came bk arrested me for drugs said allegedly found however they were never shown or put on record but due to it being a warning
Hi ****, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Could you please provide your location so I can give you the most accurate information? It's important to know if the officers had a search warrant when they found the alleged drugs.
No routine traffic stop
Hello ****, I understand your situation. Here are some general points:
- Law enforcement should have a search warrant unless they have probable cause.
- Evidence not properly documented may be challenged in court.
- A lawyer can help protect your rights.
Do you have legal representation yet?
Hi ****, it sounds like you need legal representation. Here are some points to consider:
- Public defenders are available if you can't afford one.
- Check local legal aid services.
- Ensure to document all details of your case.
Would you like help finding a public defender?
Aren’t you able to tell me any laws
Absolutely, ****. Based on your situation, here are some legal principles:
*. Fourth Amendment: Protects against unreasonable searches and seizures without a warrant or probable cause.
*. Chain of Custody: Evidence must be properly documented and handled.
*. Right to Counsel: You have the right to have an attorney.
You should consult a lawyer for detailed advice.
Yes need help with free lawyer
Of course, ****. Could you please let me know your location? It will help me give you more accurate information about available free legal services near you.
Columbus ms
Sure, ****. In Columbus, MS, you can contact the Mississippi Public Defender Task Force for assistance.

Mississippi Public Defender Task Force

Phone: (*) *-*
Address: * N Lamar St # *, Jackson, MS *
Please reach out to them for further assistance.
If the stop was never even recorded or documented how could they come bk to arrest me from home
Hi ****, in general:
- An arrest must be based on "probable cause" or a warrant.
- If the initial stop wasn't properly documented, this could be argued in court.
- Consult your lawyer about these details.
Remember, this is general advice and may not fully apply to your situation.
How could officers get a warrant made when we’re let go w a warning
In your situation, here are some general points to consider:
- Officers may obtain a warrant if new evidence emerges after the warning.
- They must convince a judge there's probable cause for this.
- The process should be documented.
Please consult your lawyer for specific advice.
Do they not have to show drugs during the traffic stop if found
Hello ****, in general:
- Officers should provide evidence of the drugs at the time of arrest.
- Not doing so could be a potential violation of your rights.
- However, laws can vary by location, so consult your lawyer.
In Mississippi? Wat does it state
In Mississippi, generally:
- Officers must have probable cause for a search during a traffic stop.
- If drugs are found, they should be shown as evidence.
- Any warrant or subsequent arrest should be properly documented.
Please consult a lawyer for detailed advice.
But should they be shown during the stop not after
In general, in Mississippi:
- If drugs are found during a traffic stop, they should be shown to you at that time.
- Not showing them could potentially be questioned in court.
- You should discuss this with your lawyer for further advice.
Should ur case be dismissed if the drugs were never shown to u
In general:
- If evidence was not properly collected or presented, it may be challenged in court.
- However, dismissal depends on many factors and is ultimately up to the judge.
- Consult your lawyer to explore the best course of action.
If drugs were found should I have been let go with a warning
In general:
- Whether you're let go with a warning or arrested depends on the officer's discretion and the severity of the offense.
- Possession of drugs usually leads to arrest, not just a warning.
- Consult a lawyer for advice on your specific situation.
Arrested at the time the drugs are found
Yes, generally, if drugs are found during a traffic stop, an arrest often follows immediately. However, it's important that you consult with your lawyer as circumstances can vary.
Wat is the time period after a stop for them to come bk for drugs they allegedly found during the stop
In general:
- There's no specific time limit for police to arrest after a stop if they found evidence of a crime.
- However, the arrest must be based on probable cause.
- Consult your lawyer to understand how this applies to your situation.
Why would a judge sign for warrant if a warning was only issued out of the stop
In general, a judge may sign a warrant if:
- New evidence comes to light after the initial stop
- Police provide enough probable cause for the judge to believe a crime occurred
- The process should be carefully documented
Consult your lawyer for advice on your specific situation.
If the stop wasn’t documented on way grounds would a judge be able to sign for warrant
In general:
- If the stop wasn't documented, it may be harder for police to establish probable cause for a warrant.
- However, if other evidence exists, a judge might still issue a warrant.
- Discuss your case with your lawyer for specific advice.
Sorry wat grounds
In general, the grounds for a judge to issue a warrant could include:
- New evidence that wasn't initially apparent
- Statements from reliable witnesses
- Surveillance footage or other forms of proof
You should discuss this with your lawyer for specific advice.
So there should be some documentation on the same day as the stop listing those drugs being found during that stop
Yes, generally:
- Any evidence found during a traffic stop should be documented promptly.
- If drugs were found, that should be in the report.
- Discuss with your lawyer to understand how this applies in your specific situation.
And the city and county claim they have no documentation of even being pulled over I checked todsy
That's concerning, ****. Have you discussed this discrepancy with your lawyer? They could potentially use this lack of documentation in your defense. It's crucial to keep them informed about these details.