Court Requirements For Diversion

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Well I was charged with Pointing and Present in SC almost 3 years. I went and talked to my case manager and she gave me the paper with all the steps I had to take to take classes and do community service and all of that. I paid her the $* she required and paid the instructor the $* he required. I completed the * written assignment that she required and all the classes and exam that she told me to do. When I was submitting those items to her she came back and said that the court reached out to her and said that they were invalid and that I had to attend * weeks of anger management which is gonna cost me another $*. What can be done about this?
Hello ****! First, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. For clarification, did you receive any formal documentation from the court stating these additional requirements?
No the only papers I have received are the ones she gave me about diversion courses, and the solicitor's intervention programs service plan agreement
Hello ****, it's essential to have clear communication with the court. Here are a few steps you can take:
- Request a formal notice from the court about the recent changes.
- Consult with a legal professional about your case.
- Consider filing a complaint if you believe there's a misunderstanding or misconduct.
Remember, it's always crucial to have legal changes documented formally.