Reopening Closed Probation Cases


Probation cases in Texas can be reopened if revoked, depending on the violation and terms. Medical situations beyond control generally dont lead to revocation. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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I need some advice on my case and would like to ask some questions
Hello **** Roberts, I'm here to provide general legal information where possible. Can you please specify your legal issue? Also, please provide your location as laws can vary by jurisdiction.
Can they reopen a case that has been closed for years cause of a revoke on probation
Hi ****, it's important to note that laws can vary by location. Can you please tell me where you are located?
Hi ****, in Texas:
- A case can potentially be reopened if your probation was revoked.
- It largely depends on the terms of your probation and the nature of the violation.
- Always consult with a local attorney for personalized advice.
Can probation be revoked because of a medical situation that I had no control of
Hi ****, in Texas:
- Probation generally can't be revoked due to uncontrollable medical situations.
- However, the specifics depend on your circumstances and the terms of your probation.
- Please consult a local attorney for personalized advice.