Warrant Resolution After Rehab


If you left a rehab program early and continued treatment elsewhere, you may need to file a motion to quash or recall the warrant. Present evidence of your continued rehab effort in court. Consult a local attorney for specific advice. Free legal aid may be available through organizations like the Appalachian Research and Defense Fund, depending on your income level.

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I took 6 months rehab and if I left I had to do a county year. Well I did leave the rehab I originally went to but admitted myself into another one for 12 months. Now I need to get the warrant taken care of from where I left the first place
Hello Rachel, your situation sounds complex. To provide the most accurate guidance, I need to know the jurisdiction this is happening in. Could you please tell me your location?
Laurel county ky
Hello Rachel,
*. You may need to file a motion to quash or recall the warrant.
*. You could also present evidence of your continued rehab effort in court.
*. It would be best to consult a local attorney for specific advice.
Remember, this is only general advice.
Are there any free attorneys in my area
Hello Rachel,
There are organizations that offer free legal aid in Laurel County, KY. One such organization is the Appalachian Research and Defense Fund. You can reach them on their website or by phone. Kindly note, eligibility for free legal services often depends on your income level.