Potential Defense Strategies Missouri


Potential defenses for resisting arrest charges in Missouri include lack of intent, unlawful arrest, mistaken identity, and duress or necessity. Consulting a qualified attorney is crucial for a robust defense strategy.

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St. Louis County Police ****epartment, knowing that false statements on this form are punishable by law, state that the facts contained herein are true and documented in report number *-*. I have probable cause to believe that on July *, *, within St. Louis County, , **** committed one or more criminal offense. Count: * RESISTING ARREST/****ETENTION/STOP BY FLEEING - CREATING A SUBSTANTIAL RISK OF SERIOUS INJURY/****EATH TO ANY PERSON - I * CLASS E FELONY The facts supporting this belief are as follows: On July *, * Officers were conducting surveillance on a high drug trafficking area. Officers observed ****efendant in the vehicle and what appeared to be a hand to hand transaction with a female person on foot. ****efendant, an adult female and young child then went to a nearby Gas Station exited and came back outside and all entered the vehicle again, ****efendant was the driver. Police inquiry on the plate showed it coming back to a different vehicle. The Officer followed ****efendant as he drove away and activated emergency equipment at * Ventura. A plastic baggie containing white rock like substance was in thrown out of the passenger window. ****efendant accelerated at a high rate of speed from the Officer. ****efendant drove through * stop signs and continued driving at a high rate of speed. Officer lost sight of ****efendant due to the excessive speed and defendant driving through these intersections.
Thank you for sharing the details, ****. To assist you better, could you please specify if you have been formally charged or if you're seeking information on potential defenses or the legal process?
Information for potential defense
Thank you for the details, ****. Here is some general legal information about potential defenses for resisting arrest charges in Missouri:
- **Lack of Intent**: ****emonstrating that there was no intentional resistance.
- **Unlawful Arrest**: Arguing that the arrest was not lawful, and therefore, resistance was justified.
- **Mistaken Identity**: Proving that you were not the person involved in the incident.
- ******uress or Necessity**: Showing that actions were taken under duress or necessity to avoid greater harm.
For specific legal advice and a robust defense strategy, consulting a qualified attorney is crucial. Would you like information on local legal aid services or public defenders in the St. Louis area?