Probation Violation Legal Steps


If you have a probation violation and a PTR warrant with no bond in Peru, Indiana, contact a local defense attorney immediately. Turn yourself into the authorities and prepare for your court hearing. If you fear for your safety, inform the court and request a restraining order if necessary. Always discuss your specific situation with your attorney for tailored advice.

Full Conversation

Saraya Shoaf
Hello Saraya Shoaf, how can I assist you with your legal concerns today?
Yes i have a probation violation and now a ptr warrant with no bond has been issued i need to have a consultation with a lawyer then maybe obtain that lawyer to get this taken care pf
Hello Saraya Shoaf, we can provide you with general legal information. Could you please tell us your location so we can provide the most relevant info?
Peru indiana
Hello Saraya, it seems like you're dealing with a serious legal issue. Since we can't provide personalized legal advice, here are some general steps:
- Contact a local defense attorney.
- Turn yourself into the authorities.
- Prepare for your court hearing.
Your attorney can guide you through these steps based on local laws in Peru, Indiana.
The victim in my case wife is in jail i would have to be at and i fear for my safety
Hello Saraya, it's essential to ensure your safety. You may:
- Inform the court about your safety concerns.
- Request a restraining order if necessary.
- Discuss this with your attorney for specific advice.
Remember, this is general information. A local attorney can help you navigate your unique situation.