No Negative Contact Order


Violating a no negative contact order and providing false testimony can have serious legal consequences. Contact an attorney immediately to discuss recanting your testimony and understand the potential perjury charges. Seek assistance from local domestic violence resources for further support.

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I have a no negative contact order against my boyfriend but we live together anyway. I have already testified in court that I was provoking him all morning to make him hit me so he would go to jail. Now he is facing 3 years in prison. How do I keep him from going to prison if I have already testified in court and there is pictures of redness on my forehead
Hello ****, the situation you're in is complex and the outcome depends on many factors. Could you provide your location to guide you better with the relevant legal information?
Indio, california
It's crucial to follow these steps:
- Contact your attorney immediately
- You may be allowed to recant your testimony
- Be aware, false statements can lead to perjury charges
- Seek help from local domestic violence resources

Indio Courthouse

Phone:(*) *-*
Address: *-* Oasis St, Indio, CA *