Legal Defense Strategy Advice


Leonardo is preparing for a new trial in Oregon and is concerned about his defense strategy. He believes a romantic affair led to his wrongful conviction and feels his public defender is not adequately addressing this. He has been advised to discuss his concerns with his attorney, seek a second opinion, and contact legal aid services for further assistance.

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Anyway, I was accused of Sodomy-* and Sodomy-* back in *. I absconded soon after and return to be indicted. After an indictment I absconded again. And was detain while attempting to acquiring a gaming card in Las Vegas . Then extradited back to Eugene in *
Hello Leonardo, thank you for sharing your situation. To better assist you, could you kindly specify your current legal query? Is it about potential penalties, statute of limitations, or something else? Your current location would also be helpful.
In after absconded again until * at the time I turned myself in. I was refusing to retract or withdraw my Plead of Guilty from my PD. I ended up being sentence for Five years for a crime never committed. I was released on March 20th of this year. But before I obtained a New Trial. After all said I obtained it because I did not know what Sodomy-ll was. Because my PD failed to explain it. Now my new trial starts on August 13th *. But. My PD does not want to bring our a TRIANGLE ROMANTIC LOVE AFFAIR.
Hello Leonardo, it seems you're seeking advice regarding your upcoming trial. To clarify, are you looking for information on how to introduce the romantic triangle as part of your defense? Also, it would be helpful to know your location to provide relevant legal information.
I learned that the affair was the culprit to being framed for being convicted. As I was a Persona-non-Grata-grata I. The Holt family structure. A strong issue of Bias HAte surfaced among a family conspiracy. But my attorney does not want to investigate any new venues. I never on the Soul of my Grandchildren committed any crime.
Hello Leonardo, it sounds like you're dealing with a complex situation. To best assist you, can you please share your current location? This information will help provide the most accurate legal guidance.
I am in the half way Veteran housing at Sponsors @* Highway N. Eugene Oregon. My cell does not work but my messages does temporarily. As I have no funds to pay it as my pension has not been activated. I will be 70 years in September of this year.
Hello Leonardo, it sounds like you have concerns about your upcoming trial and your defense strategy. In Oregon, a defendant has the right to present a defense and introduce evidence. However, the relevance and admissibility of such evidence is subject to rules of court. It may be helpful to:
- Discuss your concerns with your public defender.
- Consult with another attorney, if possible.
- Reach out to legal aid services for further advice.
Remember, this is general advice and should not be taken as legal counsel.
I believe that by not being aware of the definition of the charges all these more than 30 years. The state will be very reluctant to accept any strong solid evidence to suppress the conviction? My first PD destroyed my files after ten years. And he cannot remember ever defining Sodomy-ll. He just read to me about a questionable * dollar bill. That I had no Idea what he was talking about about. He neither filed a complaint over it nor had any concerned of my well being. He just wanted for me to plead guilty. At the time I was very naive over my rights.
Hello Leonardo, I understand your concerns. In Oregon, you have the right to be informed of the charges against you. If you feel your rights were violated, here are some options:
- File a complaint with the State Bar if you believe your attorney was negligent.
- Seek advice from another attorney about possible legal remedies.
- Contact a legal aid organization for further assistance.
Remember, this is general advice and should not be taken as legal counsel.
Thank-You Kindly. And have a good day and GID BLESS YOU.
You're welcome, Leonardo. I'm glad I could provide some guidance. Remember, legal aid services can be a great resource. Good luck with everything and take care.
Where would be a Good place to find one?
In Eugene, Oregon, a good place to find legal aid services could be the Lane County Legal Aid. They may be able to provide you with further advice and resources. Please remember this is just general advice and not legal counsel.