Juvenile Arson Charges Explained


A 15-year-old in Jamestown, Tennessee, could face charges of arson, aggravated assault, and child endangerment. If tried as an adult, arson (a Class C felony) carries 3 to 15 years in prison and up to a $10,000 fine. If tried as a minor, the focus is on rehabilitation, typically not exceeding detention past the age of 19. If unable to pay fines, alternative measures like community service may be implemented. Child endangerment charges can range from misdemeanors to felonies, depending on the severity. Consult a local attorney for specific advice.

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If a 15 year old boy purposefully set fire to his home with * other minors inside and two adults what will he be charged with
Hello ****, the charges can vary depending on the location. However, generally, this could potentially lead to charges of arson, child endangerment, and attempted murder. Can you provide the location for more specific information?
Jamestown Tennessee
In Jamestown, Tennessee, the boy could potentially face:
- Arson charges (Tennessee Code Annotated *-*-*)
- Aggravated Assault for endangering people's lives (TCA *-*-*)
- Child Endangerment charges (TCA *-*-*)
Please consult with a local attorney for specific advice.
What are the charges for arson as a minor
In Tennessee, a minor charged with arson would likely be processed through the juvenile justice system. However, depending on the severity of the crime and other factors, they could potentially be tried as an adult. Arson is a Class C felony (TCA *-*-*). Consult with a local attorney for specifics.
He is being tried as an adult as far as i know i just wanna know how much jail time hes look at possibly
In Tennessee, a Class C felony like arson carries a prison sentence of * to 15 years and/or a fine up to $*,* (TCA *-*-*). The exact sentence can vary based on other charges and circumstances. It's best to consult with a local attorney.
If he was to be tried as a minor how much time would he approximately get
In Tennessee, minors tried as adults can face adult punishments. However, if tried as a minor, the juvenile court focuses more on rehabilitation than punishment. The exact length may vary, but juvenile detention typically doesn't exceed the minor's 19th birthday. Please consult a local attorney for specifics.
What if the minor has no one to pay the *,* fine
If the minor cannot pay the fine, the court may implement alternative measures such as community service or wage garnishment once they start working. This varies by jurisdiction, so it's best to consult with a local attorney.
What are the charges for child endangerment seeing as the offender is a minor
In Tennessee, child endangerment is typically a Class A or Class B misdemeanor. However, if it results in serious bodily injury, it can be a Class D felony. Penalties vary, especially for minors. Please consult with a local attorney for specifics.