Wrongful Arrest Legal Grounds


You may have grounds for a wrongful arrest lawsuit in Arizona if you were arrested without probable cause, denied medical treatment for epilepsy, and not read your Miranda rights. Consult an attorney for personalized advice.

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I want to know if I have grounds to sue for a wrongful arrest
Sure, ****. To provide you with more accurate information, I need to know where this incident occurred. Could you please provide your location?
Hello ****. Wrongful arrest cases in Arizona can be complex. The following factors can be relevant:
- Unlawful arrest without a warrant
- Arrest without probable cause
- Misuse of power by the police
Could you share more details about your arrest?
I have epilepsy and had a seizure while driving a car, the police found me passed out in my car and then asked me if I had any medical conditions. I told them I have epilepsy and they didn’t give me and medical treatment instead they did field sobriety tests on me and flashed lights in my face right after I told them I had epilepsy. I was then arrested for a dui after blowing zero on the breathalyzer and passing field sobriety tests because I was not under the influence of anything. I was arrested at the scene without being read my rights. I was then taken to police station mug shotted had my car impounded and was blood tested. I was not under the influence of anything and was arrested for a dui despite telling them I had epilepsy
Based on your situation, you may have grounds for a wrongful arrest. Key points are:
*. Arrest without probable cause: You were arrested for DUI despite no evidence of intoxication.
*. Failure to provide medical treatment: After disclosing your epilepsy, no medical assistance was provided.
*. Not reading your rights: This could potentially violate your Miranda rights.
Consider consulting with an attorney for personalized advice.