Third Degree Rape Charges


Third-degree rape in New York involves sexual intercourse with someone under 17. Parental consent may not prevent charges. Consult a lawyer for specific advice.

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i need to talk to a lawyer
Hello Harley, I understand you're seeking legal advice. Could you please specify your location and the nature of the legal issue you're facing? This will help me provide more accurate information.
new york and 3rd rape
Hello Harley, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. As an AI, I can provide general legal information. Here are some points about third-degree rape in New York:
- Non-consensual sex with someone over *.
- Class E felony, punishable up to 4 years in prison.
Consider reaching out to a local legal aid service for more specific advice.
i need help
Hello Harley, I'm truly sorry to hear you're going through this. It's important to report this to your local police department as soon as possible. You should also consider seeking support from organizations like the New York State Coalition Against Sexual Assault. They can provide you with resources and guidance.
i don’t need to talk to the police
Hello Harley, if you don't feel comfortable talking to the police, you can reach out to a lawyer or organizations like the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN). They can provide support and guide you through the process.
I apologize if there's been a misunderstanding, Harley. Can you please clarify your situation and how you need legal assistance?
my bf was charged with 3rd degree and my parents gave consent bc i am still a minor * about to be * and he’s *
Hello Harley, in New York, third-degree rape involves sexual intercourse with a person less than 17 years old. However, your parents' consent may not prevent the charge. You should consult a lawyer for more specific advice.