Botox Side Effects Lawsuit


Denise Johnson, a patient at Loyola hospital in Maywood, IL, experienced a droopy eye after receiving Botox injections for migraines. She had the procedure three times this year, and in two of these instances, she developed this side effect. She was asked to send a picture to the doctor, who seemed unconcerned. She was advised to request a copy of the consent form she signed before the procedure to determine if there was any negligence on the part of the doctor.

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It's a medical question
Could you please elaborate on the medical issue you're facing and how it relates to a legal matter?
For many years, I have gotten Botox injections for my migraines at Loyola hospital in Maywood, IL, with no issues or side effects happening. As it is a teaching hospital, doctors come and go. In January of this I received a new neurologist to administer these injections. I have had them a total of * times this year, January, April and July. In two of these three visits, I have unfortunately developed a very annoying side effect, a droopy eye. In January, this lasted for about 3 days and the eye never completely closed. In July, it happened again, but this time the eye is completely closed and it's been * weeks tomorrow that it's been closed. When I reached out to the Dr when it started in July, he was kind of unconcerned, asking me to send him a picture, which I did. Other people in my life have suggested I talk with a lawyer. I have no idea if this is indeed a legal issue or not. Please advise
Did you sign any consent form before the procedure, and were you informed about the potential side effects?

In Illinois, medical malpractice can occur if a healthcare provider fails to provide standard care, causing harm.
Yes I was and yes I did
What does the consent form you signed specifically state about the potential side effects and risks?
I honestly don't remember, it was more a consent for treatment
Do you have a copy of the consent form you signed? It's important to review it to understand the terms and potential risks mentioned.
I don't, but I could probably request one
That would be a good idea. Request a copy of the consent form and review it carefully. It will help determine if there was any negligence on the part of the doctor.
Ok, thanks so much
You're welcome, ****. If you need further assistance after reviewing the consent form, feel free to reach out.
I probably will, thanks again
That's fine, ****. Feel free to contact us anytime. We're here to help.