Baby Powder Liability Lawsuit


The users daughter suffered from precocious puberty, which was confirmed by a specialist to be caused by Equates baby powder. The user has medical records as evidence and has preserved the product. The user incurred financial losses due to missed work and over-the-counter medications. The user is within the statute of limitations for a product liability claim in Connecticut.

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Trying to find what lawyer I need to go after a baby powder company that caused my daughter to have medical issues
What state are you located in, ****? This will help me provide you with the most accurate information.
What specific medical issues has your daughter experienced due to the baby powder?

For Connecticut, you may need a product liability or personal injury lawyer.
It caused her to go through precocious puberty at age five, with a lot of bad side effects for over a year and a half
What evidence do you have linking the baby powder to your daughter's medical condition? In Connecticut, product liability cases require proof that the product was defective and caused harm.
Medical records from her specialist she had to see because of this
Do you have any written opinion from the specialist stating that the baby powder was the cause of your daughter's condition?
They confirmed it was and said whatever I need them to do just let them know
What is the name of the baby powder company? This will help me provide you with more specific information. In Connecticut, product liability cases can be filed against manufacturers for defective products.
What is the timeline of your daughter's usage of Equate's baby powder and the onset of her medical condition?

In Connecticut, the statute of limitations for product liability claims is three years from the date of injury.
I used it since she was born but the issues started in August of *
Have you contacted Equate about the issue? In Connecticut, it's often beneficial to contact the company before pursuing legal action.
No because it was recently confirmed that what caused the issue
Have you kept the baby powder product as evidence? In Connecticut, preserving the product in its original condition can be crucial for a product liability case.
What is the manufacturing date and batch number of the baby powder product you have kept as evidence?
Where do I find that at
The manufacturing date and batch number are usually printed on the bottom or back of the product packaging.
Is it this..2217THW2
That could be the batch number. It's important to keep this information as it can be crucial in a product liability case.
What is the current health condition of your daughter?

In Connecticut, product liability cases can be filed against manufacturers for defective products. The statute of limitations is three years from the date of injury.
Since finding out the cause I discontinued use and now she is healthy
What is the name of the specialist who confirmed the baby powder was the cause of your daughter's condition? This information could be crucial in your case.
Quick question, are you a lawyer? I'm not sure about giving out all information without knowing the reasons
I'm not a lawyer, but I'm here to provide general legal information. Can you tell me if you've incurred any financial losses due to your daughter's medical condition?
I had missed a lot of days of work because of her being sick. And she had also missed a lot of school because of it as well
What is the total amount of financial loss you have incurred due to your daughter's medical condition? In Connecticut, you may be able to recover damages for medical expenses and lost wages in a product liability case.
That I'm not sure I would have to back track that
What are the total medical expenses you've incurred for your daughter's treatment? In Connecticut, product liability cases may allow recovery for medical expenses and lost wages.
She has medical insurance
Do you have records of the out-of-pocket expenses you've had to pay, even with insurance?
Her insurance covered each visit
Did you have to pay for any medications, treatments, or procedures that were not covered by insurance?
Over the counter medications
What were the costs associated with these over-the-counter medications?
Probably around $*-$* for the year and half
What is the name of the baby powder product that caused the issue?

In Connecticut, product liability cases can be filed against manufacturers for defective products. The statute of limitations is three years from the date of injury.
It's the equate brand
What is the name of the specific Equate baby powder product you used?
Equate pure corn starch baby powder. Hypoallergenic lavender and chamomile
What is the current date? This is important to determine if you are within the statute of limitations for a product liability claim in Connecticut, which is three years from the date of injury.
It's July *, *
Based on the information provided, you are within the statute of limitations to file a product liability claim in Connecticut. It's advisable to consult with a product liability or personal injury lawyer.
Thank you
You're welcome, ****. If you need further assistance, feel free to ask. Good luck with your case.