Dodge Truck Defect Liability


Archie Tanner experienced significant damage to his 2004 Dodge Ram due to a known defect. Despite the truck being out of warranty, he may have a product liability claim against Dodge/Chrysler. Alabama follows the contributory negligence rule, and consulting a local product liability attorney is recommended for next steps.

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I own a * dodge ram quadcab * pickup and on April * * ,on my way to work , the pinion nut came off the rear end and caused it to lock up rear tires and broke my driveshaft into two pieces and also cracked my transmission housing and caused me to slide into the passenger ditch . I had to call roll back to load my truck uo and take to shop and be evaluated. After reseaching tbis issue i gound out dodge / Chrysler has had this on going issue for over 20 years on thousands of trucks its recalled and still they fail to im pp
Hello **** ****, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. It seems like you might have a potential product liability claim. To better assist you, could you please tell me where you are located?
Brewton Alabama
Hello **** ****, thank you for providing the details. Based on your location and issue, here are some points:
*. Alabama follows the "contributory negligence" rule in product liability cases.
*. It may be possible to hold Dodge/Chrysler accountable for the damage caused by their product.
*. Consult with a local product liability attorney for the next steps.
Ive called dodge and chrysler and they refuse to offer any type of repairs assistance because my truck is no longer under warranty but like i said warranty or not this is dodges fault and a warranty does not excuse them from neglecting to cover the repairs for their factory flaws .
I understand your frustration, ****. While warranties do matter, if you can prove a manufacturing defect, you might still have a case. It would be in your best interest to consult a product liability attorney to discuss potential legal recourse.
Thank you . Have a great evening
You're welcome, ****. I hope the information was helpful. If you have any more questions in the future, don't hesitate to ask. Have a wonderful evening!