Finding Property Damage Lawyer


It is common for personal injury lawyers to focus on bodily injury claims. In Pennsylvania, you may need a separate property damage lawyer. You may: consult another attorney, negotiate with your insurance company yourself, or file a small claims court case if the amount is under $12,000. Signing the car over may complicate matters, but you still have options. Dispute the appraisal with Progressives internal process, file a complaint with the Pennsylvania Insurance Department, or consult a property damage lawyer. Contractual implications refer to the potential consequences that may arise from breaking a contract. In your case, terminating your agreement with your current lawyer might result in penalties or fees, as outlined in the contract you initially signed with them.

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Pennsylvania Philadelphia
It is common for personal injury lawyers to focus on bodily injury claims. In Pennsylvania, you may need a separate property damage lawyer. You may:
- Consult another attorney
- Negotiate with your insurance company yourself
- File a small claims court case if the amount is under $*,*.
I took a loss in this accident my car was totaled I was expecting to at least get them what it was worth you know to be able to buy another vehicle they're telling me maybe at the most * which is really making me upset but besides that I really need to find a property lawyer then I don't know who to call
I understand your situation. Here are your options:
*. You can contact the Pennsylvania Bar Association for a referral to a property damage attorney.
*. If the insurance offer is unsatisfactory, consider hiring an appraiser for an independent estimate of the car's value.
*. If necessary, small claims court may also be an option.
His insurance company appraised the car the car is junk now because I signed it over to the tow driver because they were going to junk it and I did that because progressive said they were not going to pay and I didn't want to get stuck with a bill and it was junk anyway now
I see. Signing the car over may complicate matters, but you still have options.
*. Dispute the appraisal with Progressive's internal process.
*. File a complaint with the Pennsylvania Insurance Department.
*. Consult a property damage lawyer.
Please remember, this advice is general in nature.
They're trying to make all excuses up saying that they were going to appraise the car again and I got rid of it
You can still dispute the appraisal value. Here are some steps you can take:
*. Contact Progressive and ask for a re-evaluation.
*. If unsatisfied, file a complaint with the Pennsylvania Insurance Department.
*. Consult a property damage attorney for further assistance.
I did speak to two other lawyers and they took all my information but they can't do anything I guess right now because I signed papers with this lawyer
I understand your frustration. Here are your options:
*. Discuss your concerns with your current lawyer.
*. Seek a second opinion.
*. If necessary, you may terminate your agreement with your current lawyer. Note this may have contractual implications.
What do you mean by contractional implications
Contractual implications refer to the potential consequences that may arise from breaking a contract. In your case, terminating your agreement with your current lawyer might result in penalties or fees, as outlined in the contract you initially signed with them.
She's been blowing me off this lawyer I called her twice yesterday and three times today and she usually answers the phone right away she's been blowing me off
I understand your frustration. You can consider:
*. Sending a formal email outlining your concerns.
*. If no response, contact the Pennsylvania Bar Association for assistance.
*. As a last resort, you may terminate your agreement, considering any contractual implications.
Okay thank you for the advice
You're welcome! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Wishing you the best with your situation.