Tenant Rights In Colorado


Landlords in Colorado must provide habitable properties. If declared uninhabitable, tenants may withhold rent or terminate the lease. A new lease is typically required if offered a different unit. Consult a local attorney for advice.

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Tenant law Colorado
Hello ****, could you please specify the particular tenant law issue you're facing in Colorado? Are you dealing with eviction, security deposit issues, or something else?
Unsafe plumbing, apartment declared uninhabitable
Hello ****. In Colorado:
- Landlords must provide a habitable property.
- If not, tenants might have a right to withhold rent or terminate lease.
- Professional inspection is needed to declare it uninhabitable.
Please consult a local attorney for advice.
They offered a different unit to move into, but a requiring signing a new lease
Hello ****, in Colorado:
- Landlords can provide a different unit if original one is uninhabitable.
- Signing a new lease is typically required for this.
- Review the new lease terms carefully before signing.
Please consult a local attorney for guidance.