Hotel Stay Tenant Rights


The user, residing in Massachusetts, has been living in a hotel for over 60 days and is facing eviction due to payment issues. The hotel has refused to provide a copy of the agreement signed at check-in. In Massachusetts, after 30 days of stay, hotel guests may gain tenant rights, which could protect them from immediate eviction. The user was advised to seek legal assistance and was provided with contact information for the Massachusetts Legal Assistance Corporation and the Massachusetts Attorney Generals Office.

Full Conversation

I would like to request legal advice about living in a Hotel for over 60 days and now having difficulty paying.
What state are you currently residing in, ****? Laws regarding long-term hotel stays can vary by location.
What is the exact nature of the difficulty you're facing in making payments? In Massachusetts, after 30 days of stay, hotel guests may gain tenant rights.
I have been living at the Somesta Hotel for over 60 days and they were working with me but my income arrives at different times.
What is the hotel's policy regarding late payments?
In Massachusetts, after 30 days, hotel guests may gain tenant rights, which could protect you from immediate eviction.
Now they have decided not to work with me
What actions has the hotel taken since deciding not to work with you?
In Massachusetts, after 30 days, hotel guests may gain tenant rights, which could protect you from immediate eviction.
They called the Police on Wednesday and would like us to vacate on Friday
What was the reason given by the police for the eviction notice?
In Massachusetts, after 30 days, hotel guests may gain tenant rights, which could protect you from immediate eviction.
For non payment but I did not refuse to pay they wanted monies immediately and they usually would take my payment from me when the funds were available.
Did the police provide you with a formal eviction notice? In Massachusetts, landlords must provide a written notice before eviction.
No they did not they just relayed the message from their legal department
Did the hotel provide you with a written eviction notice? In Massachusetts, landlords must provide a written notice before eviction.
No they did not and I also requested seeing the paperwork I signed when I checked in
Did you receive any written communication from the hotel regarding your payment issues or their decision to evict you?
But they refused to give me a copy
What was the reason given by the hotel for refusing to provide you with a copy of the paperwork you signed?
- In Massachusetts, tenants have the right to receive a copy of any agreement they sign.
That it their information to keep and I could not have a copy
What actions have you taken since the hotel refused to provide you with a copy of the paperwork you signed?
- In Massachusetts, tenants have the right to request a copy of any agreement they sign.
I just asked for the document this morning and they refused to give it to me
What was the hotel's response when you asked for the document?
- In Massachusetts, tenants have the right to request a copy of any agreement they sign.
I do but they would not release it to me.
What steps have you taken since the hotel refused to release the document to you?
- In Massachusetts, tenants have the right to request a copy of any agreement they sign.
They stated it is their information to file and could not give me a copy
Have you considered seeking legal assistance to enforce your tenant rights? In Massachusetts, tenants have the right to request a copy of any agreement they sign.
Have you contacted any legal aid organizations in Massachusetts for assistance?
- In Massachusetts, tenants have the right to legal representation in eviction cases.
- Legal aid organizations can provide free or low-cost legal assistance.
Yes but most are not available.
Have you tried reaching out to the Massachusetts Legal Assistance Corporation? They might be able to help.
- Massachusetts Legal Assistance Corporation provides free legal aid to low-income individuals.
- They can be reached at (*) *-* or through their website
Yes but they told me this could not be handled immediately and time is of the essence for my grandson and I
Have you considered contacting the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office for assistance? They may be able to provide immediate help.
No I haven't can they help?
Yes, the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office can provide guidance on tenant rights. You can reach them at (*) *-* or through their website
Okay I appreciate that I will call them now.
Is there anything else I can assist you with, ****?
No I appreciate your help.
I'm glad I could assist you, ****. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have more questions in the future. Good luck with your situation.
Thank you
It seems like you're facing a tough situation. In Massachusetts, tenants have the right to request a copy of any agreement they sign. If the hotel refuses to provide this, you may consider seeking legal assistance.
- Massachusetts Legal Assistance Corporation provides free legal aid to low-income individuals. They can be reached at (*) *-* or through their website
- You can also contact the Massachusetts Attorney General's Office for guidance on tenant rights. Their contact number is (*) *-* and their website is
Is there anything else I can assist you with?