Insurance Claim Dispute Resolution


Insurance companies are generally required to restore your vehicle to its pre-accident condition. If a single rim or fender flare cannot be replaced individually, they may need to replace all four to ensure uniformity. The specific obligations of the insurance company can vary by state law and the terms of your policy. Consult with a local attorney to understand your rights and ensure fair compensation.

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Hello Shannon, how can I assist you with your legal issue today?
Got in a accident and wasn't my fault. My insurance company started the claim and the other person's insurance company is going to pay my company back. A rim and fender flare was damaged plus fender headlight. Now they don't want to pay for the rim or finder flare because they can't find * rim and you have to buy all * fender flares. Do they have to replace?
Hello Shannon, could you please provide your location? The legal requirements for insurance companies may vary based on jurisdiction.