Excessive Force Legal Guidance


Excessive force cases in Illinois are evaluated based on the objective reasonableness standard from the Fourth Amendment. Factors include the severity of the crime, the threat posed by the suspect, and resistance to arrest. If your rights were violated, you may have a case. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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In Cole’s county il
Nice to meet you, Jessica. Can you please describe the legal issue you're facing in Cole's County, Illinois?
Excessive force
Hello Jessica, excessive force cases can be complex. Illinois law follows the "objective reasonableness" standard from the Fourth Amendment:
*. Was the police action reasonable in the given situation?
*. Was it necessary to protect the officer or others?
Please consult a lawyer for personalized advice.
They broke a hand
Hello Jessica, excessive force claims in Illinois are evaluated under a few factors:
*. Severity of the crime
*. Threat posed by the suspect
*. Resistance to arrest
If your rights were violated, you may have a case. Seek a local attorney to discuss this in depth.