Grocery Store Slip Accident


In Illinois, businesses are required to maintain safe premises for customers. If they fail to warn about hazards like wet floors, they may be liable for injuries. Evidence such as photos or surveillance footage can significantly strengthen the case. Its advisable to document the scene and injuries, and to request the preservation of surveillance footage promptly. A letter can be written to the store requesting the preservation of surveillance footage, including the date, time, and location of the incident, and sent via certified mail.

Full Conversation

I had a slip and fall accident at a grocery store the floor was wet I pulled a muscle in my leg hamstring and my left knee is in pain is it a possible case
Did the store have any warning signs indicating the wet floor?
In most states, businesses are required to maintain safe premises for customers. If they fail to warn about hazards like wet floors, they may be liable for injuries. Can you tell me which state this occurred in?
Did you report the incident to the store management and seek immediate medical attention?

In Illinois:
- Businesses are required to maintain safe premises.
- Failure to warn about hazards may result in liability for injuries.
Yes they know and the ambulance came and took me to the hospital
Did you manage to take any photos or gather any evidence at the scene of the accident?

In Illinois:
- Evidence can significantly strengthen your case.
- It's advisable to document the scene and your injuries.
I'm sure the store had camera
Did you or anyone else request the store to preserve the surveillance footage?

In Illinois:
- Surveillance footage can serve as crucial evidence.
- It's important to request preservation of such evidence promptly.
No it just happened yesterday
It's crucial to request the store to preserve the surveillance footage as it can serve as important evidence. Would you like assistance on how to do this?

- Write a letter to the store requesting preservation of surveillance footage.
- Include date, time, and location of the incident.
- Send it via certified mail.

Nearest court: Cook County Circuit Court, (*) *-*.