Vehicle Damage Legal Options


If your uninsured vehicle is damaged in a hit-and-run, report the incident to the police and consider suing the responsible party. For damages exceeding $3,500, file a lawsuit in a higher court. Given your financial situation, seek assistance from legal aid societies in Arizona, which offer free or low-cost legal help based on income. Document all related expenses and consult an attorney for personalized advice.

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At around *:* am last October my !* Chevy Blazer was parked outside my residence, a guy hit my vehicle and my bosses vehicle.
Hello ****, sorry to hear about your situation. Can you clarify if the person who hit your vehicles was identified or apprehended? This will help me give you more relevant advice.
No Police were called I have his name and I know where he lives.
Hello ****, it seems you're dealing with a hit and run situation. Here is my advice:
- Report the incident to your insurance company.
- File a police report.
You can sue the person for damages in Arizona small claims court if the amount is $*,* or less.
I don't have insurance I was restoring the Blazer and driving my bosses truck which also got hit, if I needed to drive anywhere. His truck has insurance.
Hello ****, in that case, your boss can report the incident to his insurance company regarding his truck. For your Blazer, you may need to take legal action against the person who caused the damage. This might entail suing them in small claims court if the damage is under $*,*.
Damage to my Blazer is approximately $*.*. I had just paid over $* for emissions prior to this happening.
Hello ****, since the damage exceeds the $*,* limit of small claims court, you may need to file a lawsuit in a higher court. It's advisable to consult with an attorney for this. Make sure to keep all receipts related to the damage for evidence.
I am on Social Security and food stamps. What would you recommend in this case?
Hello ****, in your situation, I'd recommend looking into legal aid societies in Arizona. They provide free or low-cost legal help to those who qualify, often based on income. You might qualify for this assistance given your circumstances.
Thank you so much for your help.
You're welcome, ****. Remember to document everything and reach out to legal aid societies. They can guide you through the process. Don't hesitate to ask for more help if needed.
Will do, Thank you. Have a good day!!!!
You're welcome, ****. You too have a great day. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have more questions. Stay safe!