Personal Injury Settlement Steps


Settlement amounts depend on injury extent and losses. In Missouri, you have five years to file a lawsuit. Sending a demand letter is a good first step. If not accepted, consult a personal injury attorney for negotiation and rights understanding.

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St. Louis, MO
Hello **** ****, thank you for sharing your location. Could you please provide more information about your specific legal issue so that I can assist you better?
So I am working on a personal injury settlement. The insurance claims adjuster stated I would be getting a nice settlement after seeing pics of injury sent by landlord.
Hello ****.
- Your settlement amount will depend on the extent of your injury and losses incurred.
- In Missouri, you have five years from the date of injury to file a lawsuit.
- Consult with a personal injury attorney for a fair evaluation.
I am wondering if I should send in a demand letter first and if they don't accept find a lawyer
Hello ****.
- Sending a demand letter can be a helpful first step.
- If not accepted, consult with a personal injury attorney.
- They can help you understand your rights and negotiate a settlement.
Remember, every case is unique and the best course of action may differ.