Assault Incident Legal Steps


If you have been assaulted, report the incident to the police and consult a personal injury lawyer. You can file a complaint against the police for delayed response and request a copy of the 911 call from the Portland Police Bureau.

Full Conversation

Assaulted */*/* at *:* hrs
I'm sorry to hear that you've been assaulted, ****. To provide you with the right information, could you please tell me where this incident took place?
* N.E. Weidler St. Portland Oregon *
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, ****. Here are your options:
- Report the incident to the police, if you haven't done so.
- Consult with a personal injury lawyer.
- You may be eligible for a restraining order.
Remember, your safety is paramount. Please contact local authorities for immediate help.
* took 7hrs to respond
That's an unfortunate situation, ****. In Oregon, you can file a complaint against the police department for their delayed response. Also, ensure your assault case is well-documented for further legal proceedings. Stay safe.
Need copy of * call to proceed yes
Sure, ****. You can request a copy of your * call from the Portland Police Bureau. You may need to complete an Incident Detail Report request form. Please visit their website for more information.