Medication Error At Camp


Kansas summer camp administered a childs medication incorrectly, leading to an emergency room visit. Despite the camps policy requiring single-dose packaging, the clear instructions on the pill bottle may still hold them liable. Consult a Kansas personal injury attorney to explore your legal options.

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My grandson goes to summer camp in Kansas. He takes daily medication. We sent the weeks worth of medication, in the original pill bottle to camp. They did not read the label and gave him all 4 days worth of medication in one dose. After reading their form they do ask for single doses daily. We missed that. Are they still liable since instructions were on the pill bottle? This is prescription medication. We had to take him to the emergency room.
Hello ****, I'm sorry to hear about your grandson. In Kansas, anyone administering medication generally has a duty to do so correctly. However, the camp's policy of requiring single-dose packaging could complicate matters. You might want to consult with a personal injury attorney in Kansas.
Thank you.
Hello ****, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. It's indeed a complex issue. As per Kansas law:
- Health care providers have a duty to administer medication correctly.
- However, the camp's policy may affect liability.
You should consult a personal injury attorney in Kansas.