Dog Bite Liability Explained


In Florida, dog owners are generally liable for bites, even if the dog has no history of aggression. However, if the bitten person was negligent or provoked the dog, it can affect liability. Provocation includes actions like teasing, taunting, or physically threatening the dog. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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Hello Martha, nice to meet you! How can I assist you with your legal issue today?
My dog bit someone on my property in florida. I warned them the dog was dangerous and they continued to play with the dog and taunted the dog with food. The bit was a light puncture no disfigurement or scarring. Am i liable
In Florida, the dog owner is usually held liable for bites, even if the dog has never bitten before. However, if the person bitten was negligent or provoked the dog, it can affect the liability. Please consult a local attorney for personalized advice.
What is the criteria for provokation
In Florida, provocation in dog bite cases typically refers to actions that would reasonably irritate, anger, or incite a dog. This includes:
- Teasing, taunting, or abusing the dog.
- Invading the dog's territory.
- Physically threatening the dog.
Please consult a local attorney for specific advice.