Investing While On Disability


The user, a Social Security Disability recipient in Kentucky, inquired about the possibility of investing in music as a form of passive income. It was explained that while this is generally allowed, any income could potentially affect their benefits. The user was advised to consult with a local attorney or Social Security office for personalized advice, as exceeding the Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) limit could impact their benefits.

Full Conversation

**** on Social Security disability & **** wondering if its within the parameters of being allowed to invest in music. It would be passive income for me. The investment is with the artist & their songs, payments are based on how well the songs do (streams, etc)
What state are you currently residing in, ****? This will help me provide more accurate information regarding Social Security disability rules in your location.
Are you currently receiving any other form of income or benefits, ****?

In general, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) recipients can invest in passive income opportunities. However, any income could potentially affect your benefits.
What is the amount you plan to invest in music? This will help me understand if it could potentially affect your SSDI benefits.
The investments would be very minimal, ranging from $* to around $* depending on the artist
Are you aware of the income limits for Social Security Disability recipients in Kentucky? Exceeding these limits could potentially affect your benefits.
I apologize, I accidentally left the conversation. I was trying to say that the $* - $* range depending on the artist is per share. The dividends of your shares are paid out depending on the performance of the songs (radio play times, streams, etc)
Are these dividends considered as your primary source of income or do you have other sources as well?
**** only on disability, thinking about investing in music
What is the state you are residing in? Different states have different rules regarding income while on disability benefits.
What is the amount of your monthly disability benefits?

In Kentucky, if you're on Social Security Disability, you can have additional income as long as it doesn't exceed the Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) limit.
Around $* give or take
What is the amount you are planning to invest in music?

In Kentucky, the SGA limit for * is $*,* per month for non-blind individuals.
I just wanted to invest $* for an artist, * share
What is the expected monthly income from this investment?
**** not sure of the projections
What is the maximum amount you could potentially earn from this investment per month?
I really don't know at this time
Could you please provide an estimate of the maximum potential earnings from this investment? This will help determine if it could affect your disability benefits.
I would guess around $* possibly a month
Based on your estimate, your total income would still be below Kentucky's SGA limit. However, it's advisable to consult with a local attorney or Social Security office for personalized advice.
Thanks so much for your help!
You're welcome! If you have any more questions in the future, don't hesitate to ask. Stay safe!