Navigating Missouri Hardship Benefits


Maria, a resident of Missouri, is seeking assistance with applying for hardship benefits. She is currently unemployed and living with her boyfriend who receives social security income. They both have a combined monthly income of $914 and their monthly expenses include rent, utilities, and pet care. Maria is 56 years old and has a learning disability and back problems. She is currently on SSI and disability benefits. She has tried contacting agencies for benefits but has faced difficulties in receiving them. She prefers to apply for benefits over the phone rather than online.

Full Conversation

I,m trying to get benifits to help me ficacally?
What type of benefits are you seeking, Maria? Social security, unemployment, disability, or something else?
Getting spit help me ficacally
I'm sorry, Maria, but I didn't understand your last response. Could you please clarify what type of benefits you're seeking?
I'm trying to get help finacially for Benfits so I can make my be life abetter one
What type of benefits are you seeking assistance with? Social security, unemployment, disability, or something else?
Hardship benfits
What state are you currently residing in? This will help me provide the most accurate information regarding hardship benefits.
What is the specific hardship you're facing that requires these benefits? In Missouri, eligibility for hardship benefits often depends on the nature of the hardship.
I been looking on my own And I, m not getting anywhere be to get hardship benifits I been in my Gmail on line
What is the nature of your hardship? This will help me provide the most accurate information regarding hardship benefits in Missouri.
I jus help finacially to to take care of my self
What is your current employment status? This will help determine your eligibility for certain benefits.
I,m u
Are you currently unemployed or underemployed?
What is your age and do you have any disabilities? This information can help determine your eligibility for certain benefits in Missouri.
What is your age and what type of disability do you have?
I have learning diabitity I have dex ea
What is your current living situation? Are you living alone or with someone? This information can help determine your eligibility for certain benefits in Missouri.
I live with my boyfriend
What is your boyfriend's financial situation? Does he also have a low income or is unemployed?
He gets soial security icome every month
Does your boyfriend's social security income cover all your joint expenses?
We go */* expenses
What is your combined monthly income including your boyfriend's social security income?
We both get $*,* amount
What are your monthly expenses? This will help determine if you qualify for hardship benefits in Missouri.
Are rent *.* a month and electric runs close to $* .* amoth and I are gas bill runs about $*.* dollars a month
What other expenses do you have apart from rent, electricity, and gas?
Well we got two cats
What are the monthly expenses related to your cats?
Are monthly the about maybe $ *.* amonth
What is your total monthly expense including rent, utilities, and pet care?
But we are on foodstamp but we only get $*.* amonth for food for two people
What is your total monthly expense including rent, utilities, pet care, and any other costs?
And we nassesets
What are your total assets, including savings, property, and other valuables?
I don,t have anything in value
What is your current source of income, if any?
I just told you
You mentioned you're unemployed. Are you currently looking for work or unable to work due to your disability?
What type of work are you looking for or what kind of work did you do before becoming unemployed?
I,m 56 years old and l,m not looking to back to work
What is the reason you are not looking to go back to work? Is it due to your disability or other reasons?
I have medical back problems right now and I went amedical doctor about it
What did your doctor say about your back problems? Are you unable to work because of it?
I have to get x- ray of my back and it might be pretty serious
What is the nature of your back problem as per your doctor's initial diagnosis?
I can,t walk rolling or stand to long because aknife stabbing in the back
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Have you applied for disability benefits due to your back problems?
Well social security I,m on SSI and diabilty
What is the amount you receive from SSI and disability benefits?
I get nomal amount *.* amonth
Are you receiving any other form of financial assistance apart from SSI and disability benefits?
There both together
Are you currently receiving any other forms of financial assistance or benefits apart from SSI and disability benefits?
What steps have you taken so far to apply for hardship benefits in Missouri?
I don,t know
What specific difficulties are you facing while applying for hardship benefits in Missouri?
It,s like to get them they I got the money in the mail and they do,t send it
Have you contacted the agency responsible for the benefits to inquire about the delay in receiving the money?
What was their response when you contacted them about the delay in receiving your benefits?
They say it will come bye FedEx
What is the name of the agency you contacted about your benefits?
I,m trying to get some ficacal help because we are struggling financially
What is the name of the agency you have been in contact with regarding your financial assistance?
I be tried many to get benfits
What specific agencies have you contacted for benefits?
I don,t have specific ones
Which type of agencies have you tried to contact? For example, have you reached out to the Missouri Department of Social Services or any local non-profit organizations?
What was the response from the Missouri Department of Social Services or the local non-profit organizations you contacted?
I do,t want to call the Missouri department of social services because that five days of calling them because I did it once before
Have you tried applying for benefits online through the Missouri Department of Social Services website?
No I rather over the phone and actually talk to a person
Have you considered reaching out to a local legal aid organization for assistance with your application process? They can often provide guidance over the phone.
No I have,nt
Would you like me to provide you with contact information for legal aid organizations in Missouri that could assist you with your application process?
Is it free
Yes, legal aid organizations usually provide free services to those who cannot afford a lawyer. Would you like me to provide you with their contact information?
Well I can,t afford alawyor
What type of legal issue are you facing that requires a lawyer's assistance? Legal aid services in Missouri can help with a variety of issues, including benefits applications.
Okay ? Yes
What specific legal issue are you facing that requires a lawyer's assistance?
What type of legal assistance do you think you might need in your situation?
I don,t know
What specific difficulties are you facing while applying for hardship benefits?
I just told you
What was the response from the agency when you inquired about the delay in your hardship benefits?